eSignal - Local Data Storage

Permanently deleted user -


Up to now, all the data downloaded while running the eSignal application has been cached in
memory for the duration of the session. The data is then deleted when closing the application which means that with every new session, the application has to re-download all the required data from the internet. With the data stored locally instead of from the internet, charts will load faster. This is  apparent when requesting data for high volume symbols such as the the E-Mini or AAPL, TSLA, AMZN, SPY, etc. , especially with lower timeframes such as 1-tick or 1-minute charts, Symbols that are active in any window will be added to the Stored Symbols list. Any new symbols/intervals that are added in any window will be automatically added to the list when the program is exited.

Enabling Local Data Storage

To enable Local Data Storage, first create a folder where the data will stored after being downloaded. Click Options on the main menu and left-click on Application Properties. Scroll down to Local Data Storage in the left window pane and highlight it. Check the box to Store data in a folder: restart required). Click the Browse button to select the folder you created to store the data. If you want a popup message to inform you when the database of stored data reaches a size of MBs, entered the desire size, Click OK when finished.


Note: The checkboxes in the Stored Symbol area allows a user to select one or more symbols/intervals at the same time and then click Delete key to delete that selection (to save disk space).