eSignal - Detail & Fundamental Windows
Open a new Detail Window
Users can open a Detail window by clicking on File then New and then Detail Window, by clicking the "New" icon in the toolbar and then selecting 'Detail Window', or from the Quote window when right clicking on a specific stock or future symbol and then choosing Detail Window.
Changing a Symbol
To change the symbol that is displayed in the Detail window, click on the symbol box in the upper left hand corner, type the symbol and then click the 'Enter' key. Detail windows can be linked to other windows in the program.
Adding a Field
Double click on an empty space in the Detail Window. In the Fields window that pops up, click and drag the field you wish to add to the Detail Window.
Arranging Fields
Click a field in the Detail window and hold down the left mouse button, the field and its data will be highlighted. Drag the field to a new location and release the mouse button.
Deleting Fields
There are multiple ways of deleting a field from a Detail window. First, click on the field you want to delete. To delete the field, either 1) Press the 'Delete' key on your keyboard; 2) Press<Ctrl><X> on your keyboard; 3) Press <Alt><E>, then "D" on your keyboard; and 4) You can also click the Cut button in the toolbar .
Grid and Grid Spacing
From the menu bar, click on Detail Options and then Properties. Add a check mark in the box next to show Grid and then click OK. Enter the width and height in pixels of the grid you want to use for alignment.
Changing Colors
First, click on the Detail window to make it the active window. From the menu bar, click on Detail window, then Colors.
On the Colors screen, highlight the element you want to change and click on the Change Color button to see the list of available colors. Click on the color you want and then click the Ok button. When you have finished changing the colors for the Detail window elements, click the OK button to save the changes.
Changing Fonts
To change fonts, first click on the Detail window so it is the active window. On the menu bar, click on Detail window, then click 'Font'.
At the Font screen, you can choose your font, font style and size. When you made your selections, click the Ok button.
Right-Click on Field Menu
Field Label – The top item in the pop up menu is not actually a command, but rather the label of the field on which you right-clicked. Displaying the label in this way makes it possible to identify fields whose labels have been turned off. In addition to the field label, the item includes the word short or long to indicate whether data for that field is displayed in short or long form.
Label – Allows you to display or remove the field label. Choose YES to display the label and NO to remove it.
Justify - Enables you to justify the position of the data in the field. Choose Left to position the data so that its left side is anchored and additional characters expand to the right. Choose Center to position the data so that its center is anchored and additional characters cause equal expansion to the left and right. Choose Right to anchor the right side of the data, with additional characters expanding to the left.
Position - Enables you to position the data in relation to the label. Choose Top to place the data above the label, Bottom to place it below, Left to place it to the left, and Right to place it to the right.
Data - Allows you to choose between short and long display of data.
Compute Change - This selection is available on all change column headings. It is a way to lessen the number of headings in a list that is already too long. The choice is "From Previous Close" or "From Open" and determines what the last price is compared to for the value of the change.
Show Tick – This menu choice is available when the bid, bid size, ask, or ask size fields are selected. When it is checked, it will show the + or – of the tick. Show Tick as also available as a separate column heading that you can add to your Quote or Summary Windows.
Right Click Features
Right click the mouse over the symbol box or an empty space in the Detail window and a drop-down menu will display a list of eSignal windows that can be open from the detail window. For example, you can open an Advanced Chart window or a Time and Sales window for the issue displayed in the Detail window.
Also, you can right click the mouse over a particular field and a drop down menu will display items that will allow you to make some adjustments to the field's data.
Save as Default
Configured the Detail window the way you want and save the Detail window settings as the 'default' settings, by clicking Detail window on the menu bar and then clicking "Save Defaults". Any new Detail window that will be open from that point on it will have the new default settings.
Where eSignal gets Earnings Per Share (EPS) Data
We receive our EPS data from S&P Compustat. The numbers we receive from S&P Compustat are taken from the 10-Q filing to the SEC under the basic earnings per common share. We currently calculate this data on a daily basis.
Why eSignal Earnings Per Share (EPS) Shows Different than Other Sources
Our EPS figures are derived from "basic earnings per common share." We get this data from S&P Compustat and it's also available from the respective company's 10-Q filing to the SEC. If you see a source for EPS that differs from what eSignal is showing, it's most likely because they are choosing to post a different method of calculating EPS than we are. Check with that alternate source to see which numbers they use.
In general, there are several calculations for earnings per share. These include basic earnings per common share (the one we choose to post), fully diluted earnings per common share, and pro forma earnings.
Basic earnings per common share - Also known as the GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principals) number, this is the number that must be reported under the 10-Q & 10-K filing with the SEC.
Fully Diluted - Also required to be submitted in the 10-Q & 10-K filings with the SEC, this number includes the effect on earnings if conversion of all convertible securities as well as the exercise of all stock options granted to officers by the corporation.
Pro Forma - This number is usually taken from the press release by the company on their earnings. This number excludes one-time charges and/or extraordinary items. May also be reported by analyst and is subjective as each source may choose which extraordinary item or one-time charge to include, exclude.
No Fundamental Data on Mutual Funds
We get our fundamental data from S&P Compustat (a.k.a. Multex Investor). They presently do not provide fundamental data on Mutual Funds. We continually review the data sources we utilize and are always looking to expand the data types we provide. If we add this data in the future, this document will be updated.