eSignal 10.6 - Quote Ticker Window Basics
When you create a Quote Ticker Window, it displays data for specific symbols and those listed in the currently active Quote, Options, or Summary window (if any). The Ticker window can display any combination of five types of data for each symbol.
- Price (the last trade price)
- Trade Size
- Change (the change in price since the previous day's close)
- Bid/Ask price (the latest bid and ask price)
- Bid/Ask size (the bid/ask sizes)
Creating new Quote Ticker Window
From the menu bar, click on File=>New=>Ticker=>Quote Ticker
Ticker Quote Options
This dialog box enables you to set the options that affect the appearance and function of the Ticker Window. From the menu bar, click on Ticker (Quote)=>Properties and the Ticker Window Options will appear. Make sure that the Quote box is selected, then click on the Options button to the right, and the Ticker Quote Options window will appear.
Use symbol in this window - Choose a Quote, Options, or Summary window whose symbols you want to appear in the Ticker window.
Additional symbols - Click in the Additional Symbols field, type a symbol, and press Enter. The list below the field displays a list of symbols that have been entered. You can also copy symbols from a Quote window and paste them into the Additional Symbols list. Quotes for these symbols appear in addition to symbols from any Quote, Options or Summary windows selected in the "Use symbols in this window" field.
Select All - Click to select all of the symbols listed in the Additional symbols list.
Delete - Click to delete the symbols selected in the Additional symbols list.
Paste - Click to paste symbols copied from a Quote or other window into the Additional symbols list.
Trade Size Filter - To filter quotes by trade size, select either the Trade Size and/or Minimum $ boxes. Then enter minimum dollar and volume amounts. Trades smaller than these values will not appear in the Ticker window.
Formatting Options - Select the Price, Trade Size, Change, Bid/Ask Quotes, and Bid/Ask Size options for the information you want to appear. You can choose any combination.
OK - Click to put your choices into effect.
Cancel - Click to close the dialog box without making any changes.
Ticker Window Options
Scroll Direction - Click the Horizontal or Vertical button to choose the scrolling direction.
Scroll Method - Click the button for the horizontal scrolling method you want to use.
Idle - Choose this option if you want the ticker to scroll only when the computer’s microprocessor is idle.
Note: This method causes the least load on your computer but scrolling can be jerky.
Timer - Choose this method if you want scrolling to happen at a more even pace. The timer method places more of a burden on your computer than the idle method.
Scroll Bars - Choose this option if you want scroll bars to appear on your vertical ticker.
Time - Select this option to include the current time in each item of information that appears in the ticker.
Scroll Speed - With horizontal scrolling, position the slider to choose the rate at which information scrolls in the ticker.
News Alerts - Displays a message when a symbol in any open Quote window is the subject of a news alert.
Files - Displays the names of text files as they are received.
Ticker Colors - Select when you want ticker colors to change.
Change on Close - Changes colors in the Ticker Window on close.
Change on Tick - Changes colors in the Ticker Window on tick.
OK - Click to put your choices into effect.
Cancel - Click to close the dialog box without making changes.
Change Colors and Fonts
Click on the Ticker Window to make it the active window. Go up to Ticker Options on the menu bar then Colors, highlight the field that you wish to change, and then click the Choose Color button. From the Ticker Options menu, select Fonts in order to change the Font, Style and Size
Save as Default
To save your settings you changed as a default, go up to Ticker Options on the menu bar then click Save As Default. All new Ticker windows will have these preferences added.