Service Changes / Cancellations / Restarting Service

ICE Data Services -

Service Changes / Cancellation / Restarting Service

We offer online Account Maintenance for those who wish to manage their own account(s). Account Maintenance provides 24/7 access to your account information as well as many other benefits:

* Add / Delete services ( Exchanges, New Services, etc )
* Pay your bill
* Change Password
* Restart or Cancel an account 
* View billing history (or confirm cycle date)
* Update Credit Card

To Cancel service, in most cases, you can use Account Maintenance if your are a monthly subscriber. If you are a pre-pay or annual subscriber, please contact Customer Service via either email or by phone to request cancellation, effective the end of your existing annual pre-pay.

If you speak or email with a Service Representative to cancel, please make sure you get a cancellation reference number. If your cancellation is not properly recorded, you could be liable for additional months of service. Please record that reference number and check your credit card statement 30-60 days later. 

Please Note:
If you are currently on any special promotional pricing plan, in order to keep your promotional rate your account must stay active.  Accounts that temporarally cancel due to vacation or account cancellations due to credit card decline will restart at the then current rates.  

To Restart your account via Account Maintenance, enter your Username and Password to enter site,  hover your mouse over "Products" on the top navigation bar then "Restart a Product".  You will be given a list of eligible products for restart and you can choose which product you would like to restart, then click Next.

A page will display that shows the same services you subscribed to previously. If you would like to change your plan from monthly to prepay or add/delete services, click on Edit Selected Services. Otherwise, click Continue and finish the restart process. Once completed, your service will be reactivated within minutes.

How do I change my Password?
While logged into Account Maintenance hover your mouse over "Products" on the top navigation bar, then choose "Change Product Password". Select the product you wish to change, then enter your current password and your new password.

After confirming those changes, you'll need to enter your new password into eSignal. For instructions on updating this information into eSignal, please visit KB Article 1313