eSignal - Symbol Search

ICE Data Services -

The Symbol Search window allows you to search for issues by symbol, description or exchange.

The Symbol Search window can be opened by left-clicking on the Tools icon on the menu bar and selecting Symbol Search. Also, a keyboard shortcut (Control +F) is also available.

You can also click the magnifying glass in the top right of the symbol search to launch the standalone window. 

The Symbol Search window title bar has 4 items for conducting a search.

1: The first item is a field for entering the Symbol, Description, or CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures).
2: The Go icon is clicked to start the search after the search criteria is selected.
3: The Show Filter Panel icon to display filter categories to refine your search.
4: The Reset Filter icon clears any existing search criteria.

Doing a Search
Open a Symbol Search window by one of the methods described above. 
Click the reset filter icon (4) to clear any existing search criteria, if they are irrelevant to the currently desired search.


Type either a description, symbol, or CUSIP number in the first field (1):

If the search needs to be narrowed down, click the Show Filter Panel icon (3). You can do this step before or after a search (if you get too many results, for example). Here I have filtered narrowed the search to European exchanges.

When finished with selecting the search criteria, click the Go icon on the title bar to begin the search. The search results will appear and can be sorted by left-clicking on the Symbol, Type, Exchange, or Description column heading. A triangle will appear and left-click on it to sort in ascending or descending order.
Right-click on any of the symbols to display additional options such as Open in to launch a specific window type for the selected symbol, Add Alert to create an alert for the symbol, and New Order to place an order for the symbol selected.  Also included are Copy, and Select All.

Many of the Indices and Futures symbols are also listed in our Symbol Directory.
Click here for a listing of Exchange Codes.