eSignal - Importing Pages

ICE Data Services -

This article provides an overview for importing pages from eSignal 10.6 into eSignal to make upgrading from the eSignal 10 Series much easier.

Instructions for Importing Pages
What's Included with the Page Import
Instructions for Importing Pages
Once you have installed and launched eSignal, click the the blue eSignal icon and select Open Page (or press Control + O). In the open page menu, you'll see All Supported Pages (*.page *.pg) in the bottom right corner. Use the drop down menu and select eSignal 10.6 page (*.pg):

Using File Explorer, navigate to your eSignal 10.6 pages. The default location should be
Windows C:\Program Files (x86)\eSignal\Pages.


Select the desired .pg file and click the Open button. You'll be prompted to import the selected page.  Click OK

After the import process finishes, the imported page will have the same name as the old one and will be marked as modified.

Some of the windows from eSignal 10.6 have been renamed or merged with other windows. You'll find a list of the renamed windows in the table below:

           eSignal 10.6                   eSignal 
Advanced Chart Chart
Detail Window Detailed Quotes
Quote Window Watch List
Summary Window Watch List (Summary Mode)
Portfolio Watch List (Portfolio Heading)
News Manager News
Research (Main Menu item) Research


What's Included with the Page Import
Please note there are limitations on what's included with the Import Page feature. Alerts and spreads will not be transferred over using the Page Import. 

For a majority of the windows, only certain preferences are carried over such as screen position, symbol/interval linking, and whether the window is attached or detached. 

Additional preferences are carried over for the following windows:

Chart Window – Almost all of the window properties and content is imported including built-in studies (except Woodies CCI), EFS formulas, AGET studies, drawing tools, and all the chart properties that map to the Chart window settings in eSignal.

Time and Sales – Filters, colors, and all the general window settings are included with the page import. The column headers from eSignal 10.6 are not transferred, only the type of view (i.e. Short View, Long View, BBO View). 

Quote, Summary, and Portfolio Window – Symbols, headings (they are merged into one heading in the resulting window), and comments are imported. Empty rows, alerts, and color settings are ignored. When importing the Summary Window, the resulting Watch List window will default to the “Summary Mode” setting.