eSignal 12 - Customize Toolbars
The Customize Toolbars function allows you to select which icons are displayed on your toolbars. The toolbars are turned on by default and are located across the top and left side of the workspace. By right-clicking on an existing toolbar, you can choose any command in eSignal and create a button for it.
You can click and drag the toolbars to move them anywhere in your workspace. They can also be docked to the right, left, top, or bottom of your page.

Right Click Menu
Right-click on an existing toolbar to access the menu below. You can check or uncheck any of the default toolbars to toggle them off or on. The Toggle Orientation will only be available for freestanding toolbars that are not docked. Toggle Orientation allows to you view a horizontal vs. vertical standing toolbar. Select Customize at the bottom of this menu to make changes to an existing toolbar.

Alternatively, you can click Options from the main menu to access the same Toolbars menu:

Once you've selected Customize, you'll see the Customize Toolbars menu which is divided into 3 sections: Toolbars, Selected Commands, and Categories & Commands.

Toolbars - this section provides a list of available toolbars that can be displayed and customized. Click the '+' sign to create a new toolbar. The rename icon
can be used to assign a new name to an existing toolbar. The delete icon (x) can be used to delete an existing toolbar. The last icon in that space is the Restore Defaults icon. This restore feature will set all the default toolbars back to their original settings. Toolbars created using the new toolbar icon (+) will be unchecked but not deleted by the restore icon.
You can choose to display or hide the toolbar by checking or unchecking the box to the left of each toolbar name. To edit an existing toolbar, highlight it by left-clicking.
Selected Commands - Once the toolbar has been highlighted, the selected commands area will determine which icons will be displayed on that toolbar. Any program command can be added. The same shortcut can be added to other toolbars, only once per toolbar. A full list of program commands is available in the Categories & Commands column.
Categories & Commands - Use the right and left arrows to add or delete icons between the Selected Commands column and the Categories & Commands column. Once added to the Selected Commands area, use the up/down arrow to resort the order that your icons appear on the toolbar.
You can choose to rename a command using the rename icon:
. the restore icon in this area will set the command names back to the original defaults.
Favorites Toolbar
The Favorites Bar from version 10.6 has merged into the Customize Toolbars menu. A button can be created for any symbol, interval or combination of both. By putting your most often used symbols and intervals on a custom Favorites Bar, you’ll have single click access to them anywhere on your screens.

To edit the Favorites Toolbar, select Options on the main menu then select Customize Favorites:
You can click and drag the toolbars to move them anywhere in your workspace. They can also be docked to the right, left, top, or bottom of your page.

Right Click Menu
Right-click on an existing toolbar to access the menu below. You can check or uncheck any of the default toolbars to toggle them off or on. The Toggle Orientation will only be available for freestanding toolbars that are not docked. Toggle Orientation allows to you view a horizontal vs. vertical standing toolbar. Select Customize at the bottom of this menu to make changes to an existing toolbar.

Alternatively, you can click Options from the main menu to access the same Toolbars menu:

Once you've selected Customize, you'll see the Customize Toolbars menu which is divided into 3 sections: Toolbars, Selected Commands, and Categories & Commands.

Toolbars - this section provides a list of available toolbars that can be displayed and customized. Click the '+' sign to create a new toolbar. The rename icon

You can choose to display or hide the toolbar by checking or unchecking the box to the left of each toolbar name. To edit an existing toolbar, highlight it by left-clicking.
Selected Commands - Once the toolbar has been highlighted, the selected commands area will determine which icons will be displayed on that toolbar. Any program command can be added. The same shortcut can be added to other toolbars, only once per toolbar. A full list of program commands is available in the Categories & Commands column.
Categories & Commands - Use the right and left arrows to add or delete icons between the Selected Commands column and the Categories & Commands column. Once added to the Selected Commands area, use the up/down arrow to resort the order that your icons appear on the toolbar.
You can choose to rename a command using the rename icon:

Favorites Toolbar
The Favorites Bar from version 10.6 has merged into the Customize Toolbars menu. A button can be created for any symbol, interval or combination of both. By putting your most often used symbols and intervals on a custom Favorites Bar, you’ll have single click access to them anywhere on your screens.

To edit the Favorites Toolbar, select Options on the main menu then select Customize Favorites:

In the Customize Favorites dialog box, you can add a symbol, an interval, or combination of both as a shortcut to be added to the toolbar. Once you've specified the Symbol/Interval, click the '+' sign to add it to the toolbar. As an example, I added AAPL as a symbol. You can also delete existing favorites by highlighting them and clicking the delete (X) icon.
Now to add the AAPL symbol to the favorites bar that we highlighted in the toolbars section, we select Favorites from the dropdown in the Favorites & Commands section. Find AAPL and highlight it, then click the left arrow icon to place the symbol on the Favorites bar. Close the Customize Toolbars dialog box.
Now AAPL appears on Favorites2 toolbar: