Symbols Guide - Forex (Format & Contributors)

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Symbols Guide - Forex (Format & Contributors)

The foreign exchange market, or Forex, exists wherever one currency is traded for another. It is by far the largest market in the world, in terms of cash value traded, and includes trading between large banks, central banks, currency speculators, multinational corporations, governments, and other financial markets and institutions.

Below is information about symbol formatting, Forex contributors and spot & forward rate codes. For a list of the currency codes to construct the forex cross-rate symbols, please visit Symbols Guide - FOREX (Currency Codes).

Forex Symbol Formatting
The format for forex symbols vary depending on whether the US Dollar is involved in the currency pair or not. All forex contributors are included in these composite symbols. Please see the below section for each format.

US Dollar per Currency
This format is used when crossing the US Dollar with another currency. Please note that in most cases the quote is the amount of US Dollars per 1 of the specified currency, but in some cases the quote is the reverse, that is the amount of currency per US Dollar (ex. Yen, Swiss Franc). Click here for a list of Currency Codes.  The items marked with a '*' are reported as US$ per currency, instead of currency per US$.

Currency Code,,Spot/Forward Code,Exchange code

Currency per Currency
This format is used when crossing one currency with another currency.

1st Currency Code,2nd Currency Code,<space>,Spot/Forward Code,Exchange code


Single Forex Contributor Symbols
Individual contributors can be separated out (Gain, FXDD, etc) and compared against the composite symbols. The contributor codes used in these symbols can be found using the table near the end of this article. Please note that because the Forex marketplace is comprised of a variety of banks, institutions and corporations, it is they that decide what currency cross-rates they wish to report and during what hours. While Forex is a 24-hour, 6 day a week market, many contributors do not participate in quoting all currencies nor do some keep quoting continuously during a 24 hour period. 

Currency Code(s),@Contributor Code,<space>,Spot/Forward Code,Exchange code

Download Sample Quote Window (FX Contributors.quo)

History Data
For most composite symbols, we supply 10+ years of daily data. With the single contributor symbols, data has been collecting since May 2006. In terms of intraday data, we supply 10 days of tick data and up to 3 months, 120 days, of minute interval data (like most other instruments eSignal supports)

Forex Spot & Forward Rate Codes


 A0  Spot (Most Common)  N0  10 Months
 A1  Overnight  N1  11 Months
 A2  Next Day  Y1  1 Year
 A3  3 Day  N8  18 Months
 W1  1 Week  N2  21 Months
 W2  2 Weeks  Y2  2 Years
 W3  3 Weeks  Y3  3 Years
 M1  1 Month  Y4  4 Years
 M2  2 Months  Y5  5 Years
 M3  3 Months  Y6  6 Years
 M4  4 Months  Y7  7 Years
 M5  5 Months  Y8  8 Years
 M6  6 Months  Y9  9 Years
 M7  7 Months  Z0  10 Years
 M8  8 Months  Z2  20 Years
 M9  9 Months  Z3  30 Years


Precious Metal and Coin Codes


 A0  Spot  HH  Handy & Harmon Fix
 M1  1 Month  LA  London AM Fix
 M3  3 Months  LP  London PM Fix
 Y1  1 Year  ZP  Zurich Metal Pool
 EB  EngelHard Industrial Bullion Fix    



Forex Contributors

AAAL Saudi Hollandi Bank, Riyadh KA Kaes USA Inc., Miami
AB Australia New Zealand Banking KBNM Bank Negara, Kuala Lumpur
ABAA ABN-Amro, Amsterdam KCBK Central Bank of Kuwait
ABCJ Arab Banking Corp., Amman KH Kwangtung Provincial Bank,
ABSA ABSA, South Africa KHBM HSBC, Kuala Lumpur
ACMB Asit C Mehta Forex P Limited, Mumbai, Asia KL Chemical Bank, London
ADBB Antwerp Diamond Bank N V, Mumbai, Asia KMTM Nittan Capital Bank, Kuala Lumpur
ADCB Abu-Dhabi Commercial Bank Limited, Mumbai, Asia Pacific KMYB Maybank, Kuala Lumpur
AF Dresdner Bank AG, Frankfurt KN Chemical Bank, New York
AKBK Akbank, Istanbul KOMX OMX Group, Stockholm
ALIB City Credit Investment Bank KPMB Kanji Pitamber & Co., Mumbai, Asia
AM Akmos Trade, Moscow KZ Katonalbank, Zurich
AN American International Group, LACR LACR
AS Bank of America, Singapore LB La Bouchere Amsterdam
ASAT Asahi Bank, Tokyo LBAR Cater Allen
AT Bank of America, Tokyo LBCE Central Bank of Bolivia
AXI AxiCorp Financial Services, Sydney LBNP BNP Paribas
AXIP AXIME-Scope Software Provider LBRA Banco do Brasil
AY Ulster Bank LCAS JP Morgan, London
BABB Bahrain Association of Banks, Bahrain LCOB Commerzbank
BABR Bank of Baroda, Dubai LCSF Credit Suisse First Boston
BAIP Banque Indosuez, Paris LDFP Louis-Dreyfus fin.
BAIS Banque Indosuez, Stockholm LGHB L Gansham (LALA), Mumbai, Asia
BARD BARD LH Lee Fung Hong, Hong Kong
BARS Banco Do Brasil, London LHLF Halifax Bank
BART Barclays Bank, Tokyo LIAV LIAV
BBAA British Bankers Association LICP ICAP, London
BBME HSBC Bank Middle East, Dubai LKBB Lord Krishna Bank Limited, Mumbai, Asia
BC Barclays Bank, New York LLBM London Bullion Market Association, LDN
BCAN Ottawa, CADANA LMLI Merrill Lynch
BDBP BIP-Dresdner Bank LOYD Lloyds TSB Bank, London
BE Banco Espirito Santo e LP Mellon Bank, Pittsburgh
BESP Banque Escompte LTCX OTC Data Services Global, London
BHSB HSBC ,Bangkok LY Lloyds Bank NZA Limited,
BI Banco Commerciale Italiana, MANE Magyar Nemetzi Bank, Budapest
BK Bangkok Bank MASH Mashreq Bank, Dubai
BKCH Bank of China, Hong Kong MAZB ANZ Bank, Melbourne
BKEN Bank of England, London EMEA MBDE Bank of Mexico ,Mexico City
BKMP Bank Mellat, Tehran MBPI Bank of Philippines Islands, Makati City
BL Barclays Bank, London MDEB Development Bank of Philippines, Makati City
BMCB Bombay Mercantile Co-op Bank Ltd, Mumbai, Asia MECB Mecklai Financial Services, Mumbai, Asia
BMIL BMIL Limited, Dubai MG Morgan Guaranty, New York
BMIS Banque MISR, Cairo MIDS Midlandbank, Stockholm
BMJI Bank Markazi Jomhouri, Tehran MIML Midland Montagu, London
BMNB North America, Havana, Banco Metropolitano MLJC Makhan Lal Jalan & Co., Kolkata, Asia
BMUS Bank Muscat, Muscat MO Mocatta Metals, London
BN Banque Worms, Hong Kong MOSP Morgan Stanley
BNAC Bank Nederlandse Antilles, Curacao MP Mees Pierson, Amsterdam
BNBS BNBS MQ Macquarie Bank Limited,
BNPA BNP Paribas, Bahrain MR Nordea Bank, Helsinki
BNPP BNP Finance MT Commonwealth Bank of Australia,
BOMB Bank of Maharashtra, Mumbai ,Asia MTBT Mitsubishi Trust Bank, Tokyo
BOTH Bank of Thailand, Bangkok NA National Australia Bank,
BP Banque Nationale de Paris, NAGT GTIS, Americas
BPAH North America, Havana, Banco Popular De Ahorro NAZB ANZ Bank, Ho Chi Minh City
BPAP Banque Paribas NBCB Banco Central do Brasil
BPBI Bulgarian Postbank NBHK Norges Bank, Oslo
BRBI Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai NBOB National Bank Bahrain, Bahrain
BRJB Bank of Rajasthan Limited, Mumbai Asia NCET CETIP Custody & Settlement, Brasilia, Americas
BS Banque Nationale de Paris, NDEC Nordea Bank, Copenhagen
BSAR Audi Sarada Private Bank, Beirut NEDS Ned Bank EMEA Johannesburg,
BSFR Banque Saudi Fransi, Riyadh NGP Premium Fx at Netgociando
BSNB National bank of Serbia. NICP ICAP, New York
BSTN Street Software, New York NK NatWest Markets Australia LTD.
BSUI Calyon, Bahrain NL National Westminster Bank,
BTMT BTM Bank, Tokyo NOCU Norinchukin Bank
BW Bank of New Zealand, NOMP NOMP
BX Banque Nationale de Paris, NORS Nordbanken, Stockholm
CB Commonwealth Bank of NP Banque Nationale de Paris,
CBAL Commonwealth Bk of Aust, LDN NRIT Norin Bank, Tokyo
CC Bank of Communication, NW National Bank of New Zealand,
CCBP Natixis EMEA, Paris ODAB Danske Bank / Fokus Bank, Oslo
CCMI Cougar Management New York City ODSE Europe London ODL Securities
CCOP Credit Commercial OESE Skandinaviska, Oslo
CD Citibank, Dublin OH OKO Bank, Helsinki 
CDAB Danska Bank OIBB Oman International Bank S.A.O.G., Mumbai, Asia
CDDP Caisse des Depots, Paris OJFS Ohman J:or FK, Stockholm
CDKN Danmarks ??? OTCX OTC Data Services Global, New York
CDKN Danmarks Nationalbank PAZB ANZ Bank, Singapore
CF Nomura Bank, AMS PBDF Banque de France, Paris
CFKS Consensus FK, Stockholm PCPB CPR Billets, Paris
CG Citibank, Singapore PEP Pepperstone, Melbourne
CH Currency Management Corp. PFD Pacific Financial Derivatives, Auckland
CIBK City Credit Invet Bank, Kuala Lumpur PH Po Sang Bank Ltd, Hong Kong
CICP Credit Industrial et PK Postipankki, Helsinki
CJ Cariplo Bank, NYC PMY Prebon Yamane, New York
CK Citibank, Hong Kong PYIB Prebon Yamne (India) Limited, Mumbai, Asia
CL Citibank, London PZHC Zhihuangjin, Beijing
CM Currency Management Corp, RA Rabobank, Amsterdam
CMBT Chuo Mitsui Bank, Tokyo RABL Rabobank, London
CMSN Capital Market Services, New York RANB Arab National Bank, Riyadh
CN Citibank, New York RBJA Bank Al-Jazira, Riyadh
CNFB Canara Bank, Mumbai, Asia RBNZ Reserve Bank of New Zealand, Wellington
CNIS China National Interbank Funding Centre, Shanghai RBOL Royal Bank of Scotland, London
CO Citibank, Toronto RC Royal bank of Canada, London
COES COESfx, New York RCLC Ray Cahnd Lakhotia & Sons, Kolkata, Asia
COVB Converse Bank, Armenia RF Rada forex, New York
CPRP CPR Intermediation RGUL Gulf International Bank, Riyadh
CRLP Credit Lyonnais, Paris RH Republic Mational Bank,
CS Citibank, Sydney RIBL Riyad Bank, Riyadh
CT Citibank, Tokyo RIKS Sveriges Riksbank, Stockholm, EMEA
CTI Cantor Eye RL NM Rothschilds, London
CTR Cantor Live RN Republic National Bank,
CZ Credit Suisse, Zurich RNCB National Commercial Bank, Riyadh
DAEL Daiwa Europe, Ldn RS Republic Mase Westpac, Sydney
DCFX Divisa bank , AKL RSAB Saudi British Bank, Riyadh
DEBP Den Danske Bank, Copenhagen RSAM Samba Financial Group, Riyadh
DENB Emirates National Bank RSBL Riddhi Siddhi Bullion, Mumbai
DEUT Deutsche Bank, Tokyo RSIB Saudi Investment, Riyadh
DGAB Gold AE, Dubai RT Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto
DH Dao Heng, Hong Kong RTG Realtime Forex, Geneva
DKBT DKB Bank, Tokyo RU Rabobank, Ultrecht
DO Den Norske Bank, Oslo RZBB Raiffeisen Bank, Bucharest
DQCB Qatar Central Bank, Doha RZBS Raiffeisen Bank, Sarajevo
DS Dah Sing Bank, Hong Kong SAK SAK Forex, Mumbai
DUBA Dukascopy Bank, Geneva SANZ ANZ Bank, Shanghai
ECBF European Central Bank, Frankfurt EMEA SB Svenska Handelsbanken,
ECBL European Central Bank SBD Saxo Bank, Copenhagen
ECBR Central Bank of Russia SBIB State Bank of India, Mumbai, Asia
EEFG Polbank EFG Bank, EMEA, Warsaw SBIN State Bank of India, Bahrain
EEPB Eesti Pank SBZA STANDARD Bank EMEA Johannesburg,
EFSP  42 Financial Services, Prague SCBD Standard Chartered Bank, Bubai
EKAM Akmos Trade, Moscow SCBT Shinkin Central Bank, Tokyo
ELDE Deutsche Bank, London SCSP Scope Simulation Provider
EMBR MR Bank S.A., Warsaw SE Societe Generale Australia Ltd
ENBP Narodowy Bank Polski, Warsaw SEBL SE Bank, London, England
EPFS Erik Penser FK, Stockholm SEBS SE Banken, Stockholm
EQXM Equinox Composit, Chennai, Asia SF Sun Hunk Kai Limited,
ETX ETX Capital SG Societe Generale, New York
EUNI Unicredito Tirac Bank, EMEA, Bucharest SGBT Raiffeisen Bank, Tirana
EWBA Sanpaolo IMI, Bucharest SGOS GK Goh Financial Services, Singapore
EWMC Wallich & Matthes, EMEA, Prague SGSC UBS AG, Singapore
FFS Forex Financial Services, Sydney SGSC UBS, Singapore
FJIT Fuji Bank, Tokyo SH Standard Chartered Bank,
FOBS Foreningsbanken, Stockholm SHOT Shochu Bank, Tokyo
FRNY Federal Reserve Bank of New York, NYC SHSB HSBC, Singapore
FX eSignal Forex Composit SISL Central Bank of Iceland, Reykjavik
FXDC FX Dealer Direct by Currenex SNBZ Swiss National Bank, Zurich
FXDD FX Dealer Direct SOLA Landesbank Baden - Wurttemberg, Zurich
GAIN Gain Capital Inc. New York SRCR South African Reserve Bank, Johannesburg
GARN Garvin BENCHMARK COMPOSITE, SRSB Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney
GART ADP-GTIS, Tokoy SSIT Shinsei Bank, Tokyo
GAVM G.A Vasanth, Chennai , Asia ST Mitsui Sumitomo, Tokyo
GAZB ANZ Bank, Papua New Guinea STBT Sumitomo Trust Bank, Tokyo
GCNB Czech National Bank STT Sasithorn Bank, Bangkok
GCTP Continental Capital (Conticap), Geneva SVES Svenska , Stockholm
GE ADP-GTIS, London SVRS Sveriges Riksbank, Stockholm
GEBB General Bank, Brussels SW State Bank of New South Wales,
GF DG Bank, Frankfurt SWAT Sanwa Bank, Tokyo
GFT Global Forex Trading, Michigan SYFB Syndicate Bank, Mumbai, Asia
GFTC CURRENEX Expansion TANZ ANZ Bank, Tokyo
GGBN Garbin GuyButler/Garban TBBL Tradition Bond Brokers, Ldn
GGLO Global GTS, New York, TBKT Bank of Taiwan, Taipei
GGLV OTCD Calculated Averages, New York, TBOJ Bank of Japan, Tokyo
GGUB Bank of Guyana, George Town, Americans TBRC Bankers Association of Republic of China, Taipei
GH Generale Bank, Hong Kong TCCB Chang Hwa Commercial Bank, Taipei
GIBA Erste Bank, Vienna TCPT Chunghwa Post, Taipei
GNAM Global GTS, Americas GTIS, TCTC Chinatrust Commercial Bank, Taipei
GOSP Goldman Sachs, Paris TDBS DBS Bank, Taipei
GPIN GOVPX Indicative Service, New York TDCB Standard Chartered Bank, Taipei
GPXN GOVPX Full Service, New York TDEU Deutsche Bank, Taipei
GT ADP-GTIS, New York TDFX MB Trading Forex
GTAV Global GTS Caculated Average, TESU E. Sun Commercial Bank, Taipei
GTIS Global GTS, New York, TF Taipei Forex, Taipei
GULF Gulf International Bank,Bahrain TFCB First Commercial Bank, Taipei
GVPX GovPX, New York TFS Think Forex, Melbourne
HA Harris Trust, Chicago TG Tullete & Tokyo, Singapore
HABL Hambros Bank, London TGBA Turkiye Garanti Banka, Istanbul
HASE Hang Seng Bank, Hong Kong THNB Hua Nan Commercial Bank, Taipei
HAZB ANZ Bank, Hong Kong TICB Mega International Commercial Bank, Taipei
HBZU Habib Bank, Karachi TKAT Tokai Bank, Tokyo
HC OHV, Amsterdam TL Tullete & Tokyo, London
HFH Hong Kong Forex Limited, Hong Kong TLBO Land Bank of Taiwan, Taipei
HFRC HFRC TM Tullete & Tokyo, Manama
HH Hong Kong Shanghai, Hong Kong TMBB Taiwan Business Bank, Taipei
HKAB HKAB TN Tullete & Tokyo, New York
HKBA HSBC, Sydney TNBS National Bank of Slovakia
HKSB UBS Investment Bank, Hong Kong TRF Trasy Gold Ex Limited, Hong Kong
HKSC UBS AG, Hong Kong TRNS Transferator, Stockholm
HM Harlow Meyer Savage New York TS Tullete & Tokyo, Sidney
HN Hantec International Limited TSIN Bank Sinopac, Taipei
HS Hong Kong Shanghai, Sydney TT Trasy Gold Limited.
HSBC HSBC TTAC Taiwan Cooperative Bank
HSBI HSBC ,Istanbul TTPK Taipei Fubon Commercial Bank, Taipei
HSBK HSBC ,Karachi TU Trikhaus, Duesseldorf
HSBL Finansraadet, Copenhagen TUWC Cathay United Bank, Taipei
HSFX Hot Spot Institution UBSL UBS AG, London
HT Chase Manhattan Bank, Tokyo UBSS Union Bk of Switzerland
HT Chase Manhattan Bank, Tokyo UBST UBS Bank, Tokyo
HUSF United Simsen Forex Dealers Ltd, HK UC Union Bank of Switzerland,
IBAT The bank association of Turkey, Instanbul UFBE Federal Bank of Europe
IBFM Indian Bank, Chennai, Asia UG Union Bank of Switzerland,
IBJT IBJ Bank, Tokyo UH Union Bank of Finland,
ICE Intercontinental Exchange Group UNIC Unibors, Copenhagen
ID Indover Asia Limited,Hong Kong UW Union Bank of Switzerland,
IGCL IGC, Ldn UZ Union Bank of Switzerland,
II Italian International Bank, VG Skandinaviska, Singapore
IK Koc Bank, Instanbul VN Skandinaviska, New York
IMFW International Monetary Fund VTXM Vraijal Thakker, Mumbai, Asia
IN Intercap Investments, New York WB Windsor Brokers, Limassol
INBB Induslnd Bank Ltd, Mumbai, Asia WBAN San Paolo IMI, Bucharest
IOBM Indian Overseas Bank, Chenna, Asia WBRS Windsor Brokers, Limassol
IS Indosuez Australia Limited, WDXL WDX EMEA, London
ISML ISMA, Ldn (temp pswd) WOGT Wood Gundy, Canada
IT Canadian Imperial Bank of WP Westpac Banking Corp, London
JBAA Japan Bankers Association WY Westpac Banking Corp, Sydney
JBBT Japan Bond Brokers, LTD. WZ UBS Investment Bank, Zurich
JBSA Bond Exchange of South Africa YKOT Yokohama Bank, Tokyo
JISR Bank of Israel, Jerusalem YST Yutaka Shoji, TOKYO
JMGF Morgan Guaranty Frankfurt YTBT Yasuda Trust Bank, Tokyo
JPBS JP Bank, Stockholm ZNBH Croatian National Bank, Zagreb
JPML JP Morgan, London ZUBS UBS AG, Zurich
JPMP JP Morgan et Cie    


Please note that HSFX (Hotspot Institutional) is not included as part of the Composite Symbol.  It must be entered in Single Contributor format after the service is added to your subscription. 

*Hotspot FX Institutional can only be added to Pro accounts. 
Please note the following contributors are part of FX Professional which is a new add-on service not included with the GTIS FOREX service.  To add this to your account, please visit Account Maintenance.   

FX Professional




            Affin Money Brokers


Bank of Ghana


Vietcom Bank, Hanoi


Bank of South Sudan, Juba




Exness, Limassol


First Bank of Taiwan




                  Interactive Brokers


IG Markets, London




Morgan Stanley, London




Bank Sinopac, Taipei


Swissquote, Zurich


Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey