QCharts - Toolbars

ICE Data Services -

Qcharts - Toolbars 

This article provides overview of the Toolbars in QCharts.

You can enable/disable the Toolbars in QCharts under the view menu at the top of QCharts.  A check mark next to the name of the Toolbar means the Toolbar is enabled.  No check mark next to the Toolbar means that the Toolbar is disabled. 

Qcharts Toolbar


This Toolbar contains shortcuts to opening the different window types in QCharts.

- This button opens a new Chart Window.
- This button opens a new Time and Sales Window.
- This button opens a new Tabular Bar Window.
- This button opens a new Quote Sheet Window.
- This button opens a new Single Quote Window.
- This button opens a new Hotlist Window.  
- This button opens a new Option Montage Window. (Note: The Option Montage Window requires a QCharts Plus subscription) 
- This button opens a new Market Depth Window. (Note: The Market Depth Window requires a subscription to Market Depth Data) 

mceclip2.png - This button opens a new Regionals Window.

mceclip1.png - This button opens a new Browser/Headline Viewer window.
- This button allows you to change the Font style/size in the Active Window.
- This button allows you to turn Grid Lines on/off in the Active Window.
- This button allows you to open a different Workspace.
- This button allows you to save your Workspace.

Status bar

The Status Bar is located in the button right hand corner of QCharts.  This Toolbar allows you to see your symbol count as well as your server connection status.  A green light indicates your connected.  a red light indicates your not connected.

Domestic Tick Server () and International Tick Server ()  provide data for Intraday charts such as 1, 5, 15, 30, or 60 minute charts.

History Server () provide data for historical charts such as Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.

Market Depth Server(mceclip3.png) provides Level 2 Market Data.

Expression Toolbar

The Expression Toolbar is located in the top left hand corner of QCharts by default.  Here you can change the Symbol or Interval for any Chart window that is synchronized to it.  You can also enable/disable All Sessions on a Chart window.  All Sessions allows you to see pre or post market data.

Chart Toolbar

 The Chart Toolbar allows you to make changes to the active Chart window.

- This button allows you to change the style of the chart window to a Bar chart.
- This button allows you to change the style of the chart window to a Candle Stick chart.
- This button allows you to change the style of the chart window to a Line chart.
- This button allows you to change the style of the chart window to a Histogram chart.
- This button allows you to enable/disable Logarithmic Scale.
- This button allows you to enable/disable Auto Scale price bars and studies.
- This button allows you to enable/disable Auto Scale price.
- This button allows you to enable/disable Cursor Tracking
- This button allows you to enable/disable the Data Window.
- This button allows you to enable/disable the Daily Snapshot Bar.
- This button allows you to Increase Spacing
- This button allows you to Decrease Spacing
- This button allows you to increase the Thickness of the bars/candles on a Chart Window.
- This button allows you to decrease the Thickness of the bars/candles on a Chart Window.
- This button allows you to Reset the chart window back to its default Bar/Candle Spacing and Thickness.

Quotes Toolbar

The Quotes Toolbar gives you shortcuts to importing symbols into a Quote Sheet.
-  This button allows you to import a Hotlist into a Quote sheet. 
-  This button allows you to import a Option Chain into a Quote sheet.
-  This button allows you to import a Sector List into a Quote sheet.
-  This button allows you to import a previously saved Symbol List into a Quote sheet.
-  This button allows you to save the Symbol List currently in a Quote sheet.
-  This button allows you to sort your quote sheet by the Data Field of your choice.
-  This button allows you to enable/disable the Display Leading Zero's feature.

Browser Toolbar

The Browser Toolbar gives you Basic Navigation buttons for the Browser Window in QCharts.

- This button allows you to go Back to a previously viewed Website.
- This button allows you to go Forward.
- This button allows you to go to your Home Page.

- This button allows you to refresh the Browser Window.

Drawing Toolbar

The Drawing Toolbar gives you shortcut buttons to the Drawing Tools in QCharts.

- This button turns your mouse back into a pointer after selecting a drawing tool.
- Shortcut button for drawing a Line.
- Shortcut button for drawing a Ray.
- Shortcut button for drawing a Extended Line.
- Shortcut button for drawing Retracement Lines.
- Shortcut button for drawing Projection Lines.
- Shortcut button for drawing a Fibonacci Extension.
 - Shortcut button for drawing a Fibonacci Time Interval.
 - Shortcut button for drawing Fibonacci Circles.
 - Shortcut button for drawing Fibonacci Time Cycles.
 - Shortcut button for drawing Time Cycles.
- Shortcut button for drawing a Regression Line.
 - Shortcut button for drawing a Andrews Pitchfork.
 - Shortcut button for drawing a Andrews Pitchfork (modified Schiff).
 - Shortcut button for drawing a Andrews Pitchfork (inside).
 - Shortcut button for drawing a Pitchfan.
 - Shortcut button for entering Notes.
 - Shortcut button to enable/disable Price Magnet.
 - Shortcut button for Drawing Preferences.
Once selecting a Drawing tool your mouse cursor will change to a pencil icon().  To draw the tool selected, single click once to select the starting point and then drag your cursor to the end point, single click again.

Options Toolbar

The Options Toolbar provides filters for the Option Montage Window.  The Option Montage Window requires a QCharts Plus subscription.

Studies Quick Bar

The Studies Quick Bar gives you shortcut buttons to the Advanced Studies in QCharts.  All the studies on this toolbar except Float Turnover channel and Volume at Price require a QCharts Plus subscription.

- Toggle on/off the Autowave study.
- Toggle on/off the Float Turnover Channel study.
- Toggle on/off the Volume at Price study.
- Toggle on/off the Daily Pivots study.
- Toggle on/off the Weekly Pivots study.
- Toggle on/off the Parabolic SAR study.

Floating and Docking
You can drag any toolbar to a "Floating" position anywhere on your screen, even outside the QCharts frame. When you want to bring the toolbars back to their normal position, select Dock All Toolbars from the View menu.

Why are some toolbars "Active (un-grayed)" while others are "Grayed Out"?

The top two toolbars - The Expression Toolbar and the QCharts Toolbar, apply to the entire Workspace and are always active. The Expression Toolbar applies to all synchronized windows, and the QCharts toolbar applies to workspace management.

The other toolbars are activated (un-grayed) only when the specific windows that uses that toolbar is the active window.