Getting Started With eSignal Mobile

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getting started with eSignal mobile
this guide is designed to help you get started with the eSignal mobile app as well as introduce some of the resources to help you find what you're looking for.
installing the app
to install eSignal mobile, visit the app store on your device. search for eSignal and tap the icon to start the download and installation.


after the application is installed you will see an eSignal mobile app icon on your main screen. 


tap on this icon and it will take you to a login screen where you'll be prompted to enter your login details. once you have entered your username and password, tap login.


home page
on the home page you'll find a list of tabs at the top that include futures, us, world, forex.  these tabs include some default symbols for each instrument type.  news headlines appear in the bottom half of the screen.



main menu
in the top left corner of the screen you'll find a menu icon (3 horizontal lines).  tapping this icon will display additional menu icons such as the watch list, detailed quotes, chart, news, options, fundamentals, hot lists, settings, save, and help.


watch list
the watch list allows you to enter a list of symbols in a spreadsheet format. this window allows you to customize your symbol lists and column headers. click the existing symbol list to display some additional options.  in this example our symbol list is named common indexes.  



you can scroll through the various symbol lists which can all be edited and saved.

to change the column headers, tap the icon next to the symbol list (3 dots with an arrow). this will display a list of default headers that are tailored towards instrument type (stock, futures, index, etc.).

to add a new symbol, double tap an empty or existing row under the symbol column. type in the new symbol or instrument name and select it from the list.  

tap on a symbol to access an additional menu that will allow you delete the symbol (delete row), open the symbol in a different window type (chart, news, etc.), or send the symbol to all window types (send to all pages).  

portrait vs. landscape view
eSignal mobile can be viewed in either portrait or landscape view by tilting your device accordingly. please make sure that the screen orientation isn't locked in order for this feature to work.  some features such as the chart are best viewed in landscape view while others such as the hot list are best viewed in portrait view.
detailed quotes
the detailed quotes window provides detailed information on a particular symbol in your watch list. you can customize the order of the headings using a swipe motion. additionally you can add/remove the fields to further customize this screen.

chart window

the chart window is one of the main features of eSignal mobile. the chart type defaults to an area chart.





the chart contains markers to indicate earnings (e), dividends (d),  52 week high (h), and 52 week low (l) details.  tap the bar data to reveal new icons that will allow you to change the chart type between candlestick, bar, line, and area.

in the top left corner of the screen you can enter a new symbol. the + icon allows you to add a symbol in a new pane, add a symbol overlay, and add a symbol to the existing pane.


tap study at the top window to access a list of built in studies that can be applied to the chart. once the study has been applied to the chart, you can tap the study itself to reveal icons to remove or edit the study. 

scroll back and forward on the chart using a drag gesture (tap the screen and move left or right).  
the scroll gesture is disabled if you activate the data window. the data window can be toggled on or off using the icon in the bottom left corner. once the data window is activated you'll see a cursor that can be moved around using the drag gesture. at the bottom of the chart you'll find arrows that allow you to scroll the chart forward or back. toggle the data window off in order to restore the normal drag forward and back gesture.  
hot list
the hot list window displays pre-built scans that look through the markets to identify the best trading opportunities and updates them automatically every 30 seconds. there are the traditional gainers, losers, and volume lists here, but also unique scans, such as unusual volume, most volatile and trade rate hot lists. select the hot list you want to display using the drop down at the top of this screen.

the settings menu allows you to customize additional settings per window type.  you can also access the application settings which allows you to set the start page and theme (light or dark).

use the save menu to save your work after making any new changes.  please note that you will be prompted to save upon logging out of esignal mobile.