Year-End Statements
Need a copy of your billing history for tax purposes? It's as easy as clicking on the Customer Support tab on your eSignal menu bar or accessing it directly via the Account Maintenance page. Just type in your eSignal login and password; then click on View Recent Billing History. You can do this any time, day or night.
Here's what you need to do:
- Hover your mouse over "Billing" on the top navigation bar
- Click on "View Recent Billing History"
- Click on "Previous Year (Select the year)"
- Click on "All Products"
- Then, click on "Submit"
This will display a transaction history for the year selected. From there, click to a printer-friendly version of the page. Account Maintenance is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Because the bill history goes back 18 rolling months, and is not intended to record billing history beyond this. We recommend you retain your credit card statements should you need records outside of that timeframe.
Pay your bill quickly through the Click N Pay link
Register for an upcoming seminar in your area using the Register for an Upcoming Seminar link
We are very excited about bringing this change to you and look forward to any feedback you are willing to share. We have already begun working on further enhancements; so, if you do have any other suggestions, please feel free to contact us.