To open an Account Manager window, click New, then Account Manager from the main menu. It can also be opened from the main menu by clicking Trade, then Account Manager. A keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Alt+A) is also available.
Title Bar
At the top of the Account Manager window is the title bar. On the left side of the bar, the name of broker, whether the account is live or simulated, and the Sort icon are displayed:
Left-clicking on the Sort icon allows you to sort the Account Manager by columns:
You can select the sort order a click on the Ascending Order icon or Descending Order icon .
Right-Click Menu
Right-clicking in an Account window displays the following menu:
New Order: Will bring up the Order Ticket window to place a new order.
Reverse Position(s): Closes a current position and opens a new one in the opposite direction.
Apply MMS: Allows you to add a Money Management Strategy to an existing order.
Cancel MMS: Cancels a Money Management Strategy on an specific order.
Cancel Orders: Gives options for canceling different order types.
Close Position(s): Gives options for closing all positions or specific position types.
Close and Cancel: Close a position and cancels and associated working orders.
Copy: Copies selected content. A keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+C) is also available.
Select All: Selects all items in the window. A keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+A) is also available.
Flatten All: Closes all existing positions.
Style Templates: Allows you to create different versions of the Account Manager. For example one for stocks, one for futures, or one for forex:
Properties: Brings up the Account Manager Properties dialog box. a keyboard shortcut (Alt+Return) is also available.
Orders Tab
Right-clicking on the header bar allows you add or delete fields that are displayed on the header bar:
Average Price: When multiple orders are filled on the same issue, the execution price of the orders is averaged.
Buy/Sell: Shows if the order placed was a buy or a sell order.
Bid/Ask: Best bid and ask prices
Description: Will be implemented in a future release.
Filled: Number of shares or contract that were filled.
Limit Price: Price where limit order was placed.
MMS: Name of the Money Management Strategy applied (if applicable).
MMS Action: Displays whether Money Management Strategy applied was an Entry, Exit order.
Order Type: If order was a Market, Limit, Stop or Stop Limit.
Quantity: The number of shares or contracts for which the order was placed.
Route: Exchange where the order was placed.
State: Displays whether an order is PreSubmitted, Submitted, Working or Filled orders.
Stop Price: Price where stop order was placed.
Symbol: Symbol of the issue for which the order was placed.
Time: The date and time the order was placed.
Positions Tab
The Positions tab will display all open and closed positions. open positions will continue to update and display the open p/l (profit/loss) in real time.
Right-clicking on the header bar allows you add or delete fields that are displayed on the header bar:
Account: Identity of the account on which the position is open.
Average price: The average entry price for multiple entries.
Bid/Ask: Best bid and ask prices.
Connection: displays the broker connection that position was made with.
Open PL: Current dollar amount of profit or loss.
Open PL(%): Current percentage amount of profit or loss.
Open PL(Ticks): Current profit or loss in ticks.
Pull Back: The difference between the current open PL and the maximum open PL achieved during the current trading session in dollars.
Pull Back (%): The percentage difference between the current open PL and the maximum open PL achieved during the current trading session .
Pull Back (Ticks): The difference between the current open PL and the maximum open PL achieved during the current trading session in ticks.
Quantity: The size of the position in shares or contracts.
Realized PL: The amount of profit or loss of a position after it's been closed.
Symbol: Symbol of the issue for which the order was placed.
Total PL: Amount of profit or loss of closed position.
Executions Tab
The executions tab will display all buy and sell orders that were filled in the current session.
Right-clicking on the header bar allows you add or delete fields that are displayed on the header bar:
Account: Identity of the account on which the position is open.
Buy/Sell: Shows if the order that was executed was a buy or a sell order.
Exchange: The exchange where the order was executed on.
Price: The price at the order was executed.
Quantity: The number of shares or contracts for which the order was placed.
Symbol: Symbol of the issue for which the order was placed.
Time: The date and time the order was executed.
Accounts Tab
The Accounts tab displays your account information including your Account ID, Balance and total PL (profit/loss).
Right-clicking on the header bar allows you add or delete fields that are displayed on the header bar:
Account ID: Identity of the account.
Balance: Displays the current cash balance of the account.
Realized PL: The amount of profit or loss of a position after it's been closed
Total PL: Amount of profit or loss of closed positions for an account.
Messages Tab
Right-clicking on the header bar allows you add or delete fields that are displayed on the header bar:
Category: Identifies the type of message.
Connection: Shows which broker the message is coming from.
Message: Displays the text of the message.
Time: Displays the date and time of the message.
General: Select fonts and colors for Account Manager window.
Grid Lines: Toggles grid lines on or off and select their color for Account Manager window..
Orders Tab: Select colors for text and background for active, filled, rejected or being updated orders in Order window.
Positions Tab: Select colors for text and background in Positions to display if a position is profitable or unprofitable.
Messages Tab: Select colors for text and background for the Message window.