Advanced GET Studies - GET Price Clusters
GET Price Clusters show the areas where Fibonacci Extensions & Retracements tend to cluster in a given time period. The bars that are longer in length are the areas where the most activity was in terms of price. These bars are areas of support and resistance. The color difference does not indicate anything; it is only to make the visual differentiation easier.
Please note that you must purchase Advanced GET to access this study.
How do I apply the Auto Trend Channel study?
To apply the GET Price Clusters study to a chart, left-click on the GET icon and select GET Price Clusters from the drop-down menu.
alternatively, you can also right-click on the chart, when the menu appears, left-click on insert study, left-click on the advanced get tab and then select get price clusters.
The GET Price Clusters study will then appear on the chart.
To edit the GET Price Clusters study parameters, either right-click on the chart and select Edit Chart or right-click on any of the lines of the study and select Edit.
Color: Changes the color of the Price Clusters.
Number of Bars: Indicates the amount of bars the GET Price Clusters will use when calculating.
Price: Indicates in what increments the prices will be divided to group the Retracement and Extension values.
Pivots Types: Indicate what degrees of Pivots will be used to calculate the Price Clusters.
Fibonacci: Select any combination of Retracements, Extensions, and Elliott Extensions. When the corresponding check box has been checked, each type of Fibonacci measurement will be used to calculate the GET Price Clusters.
Direction: Indicates whether the GET Price Clusters are to be calculated on Rallies, Declines, or both.
Ratio: Indicate the Fibonacci ratios used in the calculation of the GET Price Clusters.
Weight: Value indicates the amount of importance the corresponding Fibonacci ratio will have. If the numbers in all of the Weight number boxes are equal, then each one of the Fibonacci ratios will have equal importance. For example, if one of the Fibonacci ratios has a weight of 100, and the remaining weights are all set at 50, then its importance will be twice as much during the calculation than those having the lesser weight of 50.
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