Configuring and troubleshooting Email Alerts

ICE Data Services -

Setting Alerts in eSignal

You can set a variety of alerts for symbols in your Quote, Portfolio, Detail, Summary by right clicking the mouse over one of the symbols, selecting Set Alert in the drop-down menu and then selecting Last, Bid, Ask, and so on. The Add Alert window will open:


In the example above, we set an alert for AAPL for the Last Price.  You can set alert to be alerted when the current last reaches a higher value (Last box on left) than the current Last, when it reaches a lower value (Last box on right), or both.

You can set the alert to Re-Arm so it will trigger again when there is an incremental change, $1.00 in our example; or select Percent Change and be alerted again when the Last reaches a higher than the previous value that triggered the alert, lets say 5%.

You can also set Alerts from your Advanced chart by right clicking the mouse and selecting Set Alert in the drop-down menu.


When an alert triggers, you will get a pop up alert, an Audio alert, and if configured, an e-mail alert message. If you use a Quote window or Summary window to set the alert, the cell displaying the Last value will display a red background. The Alert Edit / Status window will pop in your screen and the Status Bar will display a box in red with the word Alert.  This will be accompanied by a ‘Ding’ sound.

Configuring email Alerts


The e\mail alerts feature enables an email to be sent to your designated mailbox when an alert is fired. To use email alerts, click on the alerts button at the top of the program, or click the View menu at the top, then ‘Set Alerts…’.When the Alert Edit Status window opens you should see and ‘Alert Mode’ area.

To configure your email alerts, click Settings for E-mail Alert. The Email Setting window will open.


In the Sender box, enter the e-mail address that will be sending the message. In the Recipient(s) box enter the e-mail or e-mails that will be receiving the e-mail alert.


In the Outgoing Mail SMTP Server box you will have to enter the SMTP host of the email service that will be sending the email.  In the example above, the SMTP shown is one of the SMTP hosts for Gmail.  You will have to enter the SMTP Host for the e-mail service you will be using and you will have to enter the username and password for the email service being use.


Once you have configured your email Alert Settings you can send a test e-mail by clicking the button Send Test Email Now. A window like the one below will open letting you know that the message was successfully sent, and you will receive a test e-mail from eSignal.