How do I Download QCharts?

ICE Data Services -

Notice Regarding QCharts

QCharts is classified as Legacy Software, which is to say, it is no longer supported by our Development Team, and we cannot make guarantees of its continued performance. As newer versions of the Windows Operating System are released, or as patches to the Windows Operating System are developed and published to devices running their software, it may be the case where a patch may cause the program to no longer run on computers running Windows, or newer versions may not allow QCharts to install.

As the software is no longer supported by our Development Team, please note that no further improvements to the software, or fixes to existing or new issues within the software will be done, and you must use the software as-is.

As such, we recommend switching to the latest version of eSignal instead, which is included in your QCharts subscription at no extra cost to you, and you can find the latest version of eSignal here.

Download QCharts

To download the latest version of QCharts (Version 6.2), please click here.