eSignal 12 - Detailed Quotes Window

ICE Data Services -

esignal 12 - detailed quotes window

the detailed quotes window provides a quick view on a particular instrument which includes an area chart, last price (i.e. big price), and a list of default fields on the left hand side. to open a new detailed quotes window, go to new and click detailed quotes or use the keyboard shortcut (control +6). in the top portion of the window is an area to change the symbol and default fields.  the default fields are tailored towards various instrument types such as basic (for stocks), futures, forex, options, etc.

add field
remove field
default layout
big price
mini chart
set as default

add field
to add a new field, right click the the detailed quotes window and select add field…

this will launch the fields menu which lists all the possible fields and headers that can be added.  double click a field from the list to add it to the window.  field that are grayed-out indicate they have already been added to the window.  once a field is added to the window, simply click and drag to re-sort the order in which they are displayed. 

remove field
to remove a field from the detailed quotes window, right click the field name and select ‘remove (name of field)’. for example, to remove the cusip field, right click the corresponding field and select remove ‘cusip’.

to access the detailed quotes’ properties window, right-click the mouse inside the window or click detailed quotes from the main menu and select properties. 

the properties window consists of the following:

default layout 
customize the font size and type using this menu.  you can also edit the colors for the field labels, value (data), and background. 

this menu allows you to hide or show the chart as well as specify the number of bars displayed.  a daily interval is used for chart.  additionally you can customize the chart colors, line width, and transparency in this menu. 

big price
the big price displays the last price in addition to the name of the instrument, change, and trade time.  select this menu from the left panel to hide or show the big price and to make changes to the price and change colors. 

set as default
after you have configured the detailed quotes window with your custom settings, you can save the defaults by opening the properties window and clicking the tab ‘more…’ and then clicking set as default. you can also reset the original results or apply those configurations to all open detailed quotes window.