eSignal Billing Procedures

ICE Data Services -

eSignal Billing Procedures

When was the first day of my service and when will my credit card be charged again?

For new customers, the first day that your service is activated is your official cycle date. We bill on your cycle date each month for the following 30 days of service. We will automatically bill you each month until you notify us that you wish to cancel.

Example: If you activated service on the 14th of June, then your credit card will be charged again on the evening of the 13th of July, and so on. To cancel service at anytime in the future, simply contact us and your billing will be stopped effective your next cycle date. See below for a method to confirm your specific cycle date.

What if my credit card is expires or declines?

If our attempt to charge your credit card is unsuccessful, your account will be placed in a pending cancel state. If you are using eSignal software, you'll see a pop-up in the application warning you that we were unable to charge your credit card for the following month of service. You can follow the instructions on that pop-up to enter Account Maintenance and provide us a new credit card to avoid an interruption in service. If you don't take action, your account will be suspended the following day and you should see another pop-up in the eSignal application.

All users will also get an email if we are unable to charge your credit card. If you get this warning email, you'll need to access Account Maintenance and provide us with new credit card information. In the event your account is suspended, you can simply log-on to Account Maintenance and restart your service.

Corporate Billing Exceptions

For our large Corporate customers, we do offer alternatives to monthly credit card charges. If your account qualifies, we will bill you for service rendered and you may remit payment by company check. A $10 late fee applies if the balance is not paid in full from the previous bill. Please contact your Sales Representative for information on alternate billing options.

Account Maintenance Overview

We offer online Account Maintenance for those who wish to manage their own account(s). Account Maintenance provides 24/7 access to your account information as well as many other benefits:


  • Add / Delete services ( Exchanges, New Services, etc )
  • Pay your bill
  • Change Passwords
  • Restart an account
  • View billing history (or confirm cycle date)
  • Update Credit Card