The instructions below provide step by step instructions for completely uninstalling eSignal from your pc. Please be sure to backup your work before proceeding.
Backup and Restore Instructions (recommended)
Manually Backup Your Folders
To Uninstall eSignal
1. Left-click the blue eSignal icon located on the main menu bar and click Exit. This will close eSignal and the Data Manager.
2. To remove program files and leave personal settings (i.e. pages, formulas, templates, etc.), click Start > Control panel > Programs and Features. Once the list is populated, highlight eSignal and click Uninstall.
3. To remove program files and personal settings, click Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features. Once the list is populated, highlight eSignal and click Change. When eSignal - Setup Wizard is launched, click Next > Remove.
4. In the next window, check the box to Remove eSignal User Preferences.
5. After completing the uninstall process, to remove any remaining traces of the program including folders and registry settings, click the Start button, navigate to > Computer > Local Disk C:
6. Before you search your hard drive for Interactive Data folders, you will need to be able to view hidden file and folders. To verify that can view them, click Organize > Folder and File Options. highlight the View tab and under Advanced Settings, select Show Hidden Files and Folders then click OK.
Backup and Restore Instructions (recommended)
Manually Backup Your Folders
To Uninstall eSignal
1. Left-click the blue eSignal icon located on the main menu bar and click Exit. This will close eSignal and the Data Manager.
2. To remove program files and leave personal settings (i.e. pages, formulas, templates, etc.), click Start > Control panel > Programs and Features. Once the list is populated, highlight eSignal and click Uninstall.
3. To remove program files and personal settings, click Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features. Once the list is populated, highlight eSignal and click Change. When eSignal - Setup Wizard is launched, click Next > Remove.
4. In the next window, check the box to Remove eSignal User Preferences.
5. After completing the uninstall process, to remove any remaining traces of the program including folders and registry settings, click the Start button, navigate to > Computer > Local Disk C:
6. Before you search your hard drive for Interactive Data folders, you will need to be able to view hidden file and folders. To verify that can view them, click Organize > Folder and File Options. highlight the View tab and under Advanced Settings, select Show Hidden Files and Folders then click OK.
7. Click the Start button and type in Interactive Data in the Search box (1). click the Search Everywhere button (2).
Important Note: If you wish to save your pages, defaults, EFS files, etc., you'll want to create a backup copy of the Interactive Data folder. Otherwise, you'll want to proceed with highlighting and deleting all the Interactive Data folders that show up in the results.
Here is listing of the default folders where files associated with the program are located:
C:\Program Files\Interactive Data or C:\Program Files (x86)\Interactive Data in 32bit versions of Windows.
C:\ProgramData\Interactive Data
C:\Common Files\Interactive Data
C:\ProgramData\Interactive Data
C:\Common Files\Interactive Data
C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Interactive Data
C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Interactive Data
C:\Users\\My Documents\Interactive Data
C:\Users\\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Interactive Data (if user account control is enabled)
8. Delete the winros.ini file in the C:\Windows folder.
9. The last step is to delete the registry keys associated with the program. Warning: deleting the wrong registry keys could cause problems with your pc. Please consult with a pc tech or your helpdesk admin before proceeding.
Launch the registry editor by clicking the Start button and type regedit.exe in the Search Programs and Files box and double left-click regedit.exe file. Click the expand/collapse folder arrow icon next to HKEY_LOCAL-MACHINE > SOFTWARE. Highlight and delete the Interactive Data folder.
C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Interactive Data
C:\Users\\My Documents\Interactive Data
C:\Users\\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Interactive Data (if user account control is enabled)
8. Delete the winros.ini file in the C:\Windows folder.
9. The last step is to delete the registry keys associated with the program. Warning: deleting the wrong registry keys could cause problems with your pc. Please consult with a pc tech or your helpdesk admin before proceeding.
Launch the registry editor by clicking the Start button and type regedit.exe in the Search Programs and Files box and double left-click regedit.exe file. Click the expand/collapse folder arrow icon next to HKEY_LOCAL-MACHINE > SOFTWARE. Highlight and delete the Interactive Data folder.