eSignal - Alert Ticker

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The Alert Ticker brings alerts based on price, studies, drawing tools, EFS studies that fire, into one convenient window. Traders can fully customize which of their alerts will be displayed using a variety of filters.

Note: Only alerts that fired after an Alert Ticker window has been opened will appear. The Alert Log, in contrast, will display alerts that have fired since the program was launched.


How to Open the Alert Ticker?
To open the Alert Ticker, left-click on the New icon on the main menu bar and select Alert Ticker from the dropdown menu.
How to Apply a Filter or Multiple Filters to an Alert Ticket Window
Left-click on the filter icon on the window's title bar. A selection of filters will appear.
Time Range: Select to display alerts that fired based on time.
Symbol: Filter alerts by symbol.
Interval: Filter alerts by interval.
Pages: Applies Alert Ticker to all open pages or selected pages.
Categories: Filter by Price, EFS, Line Tools, or Study.
Windows: Selections include All, Chart, Watch, Dashboard, Market Profile, or Other.
Instruments: Selects the specific type of alert to be filtered such as horizontal lines, Type 1 trades, moving average crossovers, etc.
Types: Selects the type of alert to be filter such as lines, strategy signals, etc.
Price/Value: Filter by a specific price or value.
Message: Filter by a specific message.
To reset the filters back to the original filters setting of no selected filters, left-click on the reset filter icon
To change the Alert Ticker window properties, either right-click anywhere in the Alert Ticker window and select Properties, or left-click on Alert Ticker on the main menu and select Properties.
Default Row: Configures the default font and colors of the rows.
Grid Lines: Toggle the display of Horizontal Grid Lines on or off and select their color.