eSignal Series - Option Symbology

ICE Data Services -

Do you know the format for US stock and index options? This article provides a brief overview of the various option symbologies.
Stock and Index Options
The format for Options uses the underlying symbol, a two-digit year code, month code and strike price spelled out to the hundredths:

O:(Underlying Symbol), a space, (Two Digit Year), (Put/Call and Expiration Month Code), (Strike Price)
Here is the Expiration Month Code table:

Some examples:

O:MSFT 13D25.00 (Microsoft April 2013 Call at 25.00)
O:IBM 13S100.00 (IBM July 2013 Put at 100.00)
Weekly Options
Weekly options will have a D and number at the end of the symbol which designates the day of expiration.
Some examples: 
O:SPY 13E180.00D3
O:SPY 13E180.00D10
Quarterly Options
These options are available on Indexes and ETFs (Exchanged Traded Funds) only. Quarterly options expire on the last business day of each calendar quarter. Quarterly options will have a D and number at the end of the symbol which designates the day of expiration.
Some examples:
O:DIA 13F150.00D28 (DIA June 2013 150.00 Call - expires on the 28th)
O:SPY 13U160.00D30 (SPY September 2013 Put - expires on the 30th)