Report a Questionable Price
Use the Report a Questionable Price Form to report incorrect data. Our QA team reviews each report that is submitted and makes all the neccessary data corrections once a questionable price has been confirmed to be incorrect. The sender will not receive a notification. If your questionable price has not been fixed within 24 hours, and it was not submitted on a weekend or holiday, feel free to contact us. We have included several useful tools below to help address out of range prices.
Reporting a Questionable Price
The Report a Questionable Price Form can be accessed several ways:
1. Using the direct URL:
Use the Report a Questionable Price Form to report incorrect data. Our QA team reviews each report that is submitted and makes all the neccessary data corrections once a questionable price has been confirmed to be incorrect. The sender will not receive a notification. If your questionable price has not been fixed within 24 hours, and it was not submitted on a weekend or holiday, feel free to contact us. We have included several useful tools below to help address out of range prices.
Reporting a Questionable Price
The Report a Questionable Price Form can be accessed several ways:
1. Using the direct URL:
2. From
3. From within the eSignal software, go to Support on the menu bar, then select 'Report a Questionable Price'.
Be sure to fill out all the appropriate fields in the displayed form and enter any additional comments, if needed.
Refreshing The Chart
Occassionally you will have to reboot the program to display the corrected chart, however you can periodically refresh the data in your chart to display the corrected data. To refresh the chart, you can press the F5 key or click on the window menu icon and select Refresh.
Be sure to fill out all the appropriate fields in the displayed form and enter any additional comments, if needed.
Refreshing The Chart
Occassionally you will have to reboot the program to display the corrected chart, however you can periodically refresh the data in your chart to display the corrected data. To refresh the chart, you can press the F5 key or click on the window menu icon and select Refresh.
cid (corrections, insertions, and deletions) support
cid’s are specific message types sent by each exchange (currently supported for all us exchanges) to represent last sale pricing changes. this is a good way to see if the exchange has made a price correction:
for additional information on cid's, click here.
Stock Splits
Unadjusted stock splits are not considered bad ticks but can be reported with the Report a Questionable Price Form . You have the abiltiy to display split labels where a split occurs on a chart. To apply split labels on a chart, right-click on the chart and left-click on Edit Chart. Place a check next to Show Splits Labels.
Unadjusted stock splits are not considered bad ticks but can be reported with the Report a Questionable Price Form . You have the abiltiy to display split labels where a split occurs on a chart. To apply split labels on a chart, right-click on the chart and left-click on Edit Chart. Place a check next to Show Splits Labels.
The split label(s) will then be displayed at the bottom of the chart window (2 for 1 split in the example below):
Dividend Adjustments
Dividend adjustments can be currently applied to intraday charts but not to daily charts (will be available in an upcoming version of eSignal).
To apply dividend adjustment to an intraday chart, right-click on the chart and left-click on Edit Chart. Place a check next to Adjust for Dividends. Note: This selection will be grayed out if any interval greater than an intraday interval is being displayed on the chart.
You also have the option of displaying Dividend Adjustment Label in a chart. To apply dividend adjustment labels on a chart, right-click on the chart and left-click on Edit Chart. Place a check next to Show Dividend Labels.
The dividend adjustment label(s) will then be displayed at the bottom of the chart window:
Discrepancy with Closes
when an issue is exdiv, the previous value (intraday close) will get adjusted by the dividend amount, whereas the previous close (dailiy close) value is the prior session's daily close and is not adjusted for the dividend (will be the same as the daily close on a chart). in this example, the difference is .13 (the dividend amount rounded off). so, what may apppear to be a bad price is in realty, correct but unadjusted.
Pre-Market Data and Bad Ticks
Often times, there are large fluctuations in prices on Pre-market data, and spikes that appear to be bad ticks, but may actually be correct. We generally do not adjust spikes in Pre-market data. We will however, adjust any spikes that skew the scaling of the chart. Alternatively, a Time Template can be used to view regular Market Hours on the chart, thus eliminating any Pre-market or after hour trading activity.